WHEREING is a podcast which explores 'where we are'.
Like clothing, we are 'WHEREING' (wear-ing) our spaces.
Hosted by Architect Nina Freedman, these are mindful conversations about
Belonging, Space, and Home
Spaces hold layered stories. Stories hold layered spaces. They shape personal and
cultural narratives. Spaces hold stories that continue to live. They are maps of inner experiences
which contain beautiful and imperfect fragments that describe and generate the arc of our place in the world.
This creative palette is the ‘spatial story’.
WHEREING is for anyone with a story, memory, or dream about a connection or
disconnection with their spaces or objects. It is for anyone that tries to understand ‘what is home’
and how we equally impact the spaces that impact us. We design as we are designed.
WHEREING is about being 'a-where' (aware) ‘where we are’.
Hi, I’m Nina Freedman,
the host of WHEREING .
My background? I’m an architect, professor and owner of the design practice, Dreamland Creative Projects. I’m fascinated by the creative exchange of psychology, mindfulness and design. For more on Nina Freedman.
“Space is relational - the feeling of intimacy, an understanding of perspective, an impatience with location, a sense of 'this is home' and how much is enough. Space holds freedom and choice. We bridge thresholds in order to move and change.” ~ Nina Freedman