
WHEREING is a podcast which explores 'where we are'.
Like clothing, we are 'WHEREING' (wear-ing) our spaces.

How do we emotionally, physically and psychologically
experience, absorb and impact the places we inhabit?

Hosted by Nina Freedman, these are conversations about
Belonging, Space and Design.



“Space is relational - a feeling of intimacy, an understanding of perspective, an impatience with location, a sense of ‘this is home’, and how much is enough. Space holds freedom and choice. Voids are thresholds that we bridge in order to move and change.”

~Nina Freedman

Hi, I’m Nina Freedman, the host of WHEREING.
My background? I’m an architect, educator and founder of the design practice, Dreamland Creative Projects. I’m fascinated by the creative exchange of psychology, mindfulness and design.

Space is a layered story. Story is a layered space. It shapes a cultural narrative. Spaces hold stories that continue to live.  It is a form of inner map that contains beautiful and imperfect fragments that describe our place in the world. I call this the ‘spatial story’. WHEREING opens that sacred conversation.

WHEREING is for anyone that has a story, memory, or dream about a connection or disconnection with spaces or objects. It is for anyone that tries to understand ‘what is home’ and how we equally impact the spaces that impact us.
It is ultimately about belonging ‘where we are’.



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“Where do you belong?”

“where are you?”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.